Attributes of femininity
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Attributes of femininity - what are they and how much do they mean to you?
Attributes of femininity are something characteristic of the fair sex, intrinsically linked to it and having a certain symbolism. Discussion on the attributes of femininity should begin with determining what femininity is in general. Defining this concept unambiguously isn’t easy because for everyone femininity may have a slightly different connotation. Currently, this term is most often used to refer to physical characteristics. However, there are many other aspects that are unique to women, such as the female psyche. We can be fragile and strong at the same time. We like to feel "taken care of", but we can also look after ourselves and others. So what are the attributes of femininity? And do they mean the same to each of us?
Each woman is different, therefore, the definition of femininity and the meaning of particular attributes of femininity should be considered very individually. The most important thing is that modern women are increasingly convinced of their own worth - that they are valuable just the way they are. They fight for themselves, for their rights, and are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. They want to develop and achieve incredible success, both in their professional and private lives. And the fact that it comes easily to achieve it all in stilettos and with rebelliously flowing hair, well... is something men can only envy us.
Attributes of femininity and their meaning
Each attribute of femininity can’t be freely defined because there are as many views on the world as there are people. There are subtle and delicate women, but there are also strong and bossy ones. Are any of them more, or less feminine? So maybe the most important attributes of femininity are a beautiful complexion, a pretty smile and a shapely body. What about confidence and having your feet on the ground? As a woman, you can have both. Because a real woman lives her own way.
In the world, there are women of extreme beauty, with gorgeous figures and beautiful hair. For some, they are the ideal, the embodiment of femininity. However, such perception is only focused on judging appearance We don't know if such a woman is considerate, good, sensual, or caring; these features are also undeniably attributes of femininity.
Is a sexy outfit an attribute of femininity? Certainly, such an outfit won't go unnoticed. It will definitely attract more than one male gaze and perhaps the envious look of another woman. Or maybe it express approval and genuine admiration? There are people for whom physical appearance is the most important thing. For many women, an outfit will be a way to emphasize the attributes of femininity such as a shapely figure. If it makes her happy, then the way she looks doesn't hurt anyone.
The attributes of femininity are sure to be grace and class, as well as the ability to behave appropriately in any situation. Not all of us are born with it, but we all can learn it if we want to.
Hair - a desirable attribute of femininity
When it comes to a woman's appearance, several elements count, but hair can undoubtedly be counted among the most important attributes of femininity. Long, thick and shiny hair is often considered the most feminine element of appearance. Even little girls, drawing their first pictures depicting people, characterize a particular gender by the length of their hair. The rest of the figure, that is, from the head down, often looks the same.
Hair is extremely important to most women. It allows them to express themselves and their individuality in a certain way. It is sometimes a distinctive feature of appearance that makes them recognizable. Hair, an attribute of femininity, is noticed as the first element of appearance, especially by the visual type of people.
It is widely acknowledged that women who have a lot of hair are lucky. They, however, don't always think so. How many times do we hear: how I envy you those curls! Then the reply we often hear is: and you don't know how much I would give for such straight and smooth hair as yours... Despite greater or lesser satisfaction with what we have on our heads, most women take care of their hair and use appropriate haircare and fashionable styles, additionally emphasizing the beauty of their hair. Beautiful and well-groomed hair adds to women's self-confidence and influences their mood, which is why we enjoy visits to the hairdresser so much.
The attribute of femininity in the form of beautiful hair is also the subject of envy, especially among those women who have been deprived of this unique gift. There is no point in feeding bad emotions and envying someone's beautiful hair when modern technology gives us the opportunity to have our own, equally magnificent one. We have more than a dozen sensational methods of hair extensions and thickening at our disposal, so we can enjoy beautiful and magnificent strands on our own heads in a matter of hours. However, in order for the effect to actually meet our expectations, it is worth choosing extensions made of natural hair of Slavic origin. Only such a treatment guarantees a natural and uniform finish to the hairstyle as well as the confidence that the hair will look perfect for many months.
Features of femininity from the women's perspective
Every woman should strive to be confident first and foremost. Self-confidence and self-esteem are extremely important and help in the hardships of everyday life. Awareness of one's own advantages and independence add strength to face any challenges. A woman has every right to choose what is most important to her and what gives her pleasure, as well as what features of femininity matter to her. For example, it can be sensuality, intelligence, mystery, flirtatiousness, or understanding. If an impeccable appearance is important to a woman and the most important thing is everyday perfect make-up and a beautiful hairstyle, then this is how she should express herself. However, if the most important feature for her is caring for her loved ones, and appearance is secondary, that's also very good. So what wins the ranking for attributes of femininity? This is a unique contest where all answers are correct. Because the most important thing is for women to be happy with themselves. Girl Power Rules!