Hair Extensions Blue Tape Tabs


Viola specialises in hair extensions and all the tools and equipment needed in one place to buy from one online shop. If you are looking for the best hair extensions tape tabs you have come to the right place. With both double sided to single sided tape for hair extensions, perfect for adding hair around the front without being too heavy.

Viola Blue Tape Strips are long-lasting, easy to fit and wear, can be use when reapplying Viola Tape-in extensions multiple times, save your client from ordering brand new extensions at each maintenance.

What do you need for a maintenance?

You need to make sure that you have the correct tools, Pin tail comb, sectioning clips, hair extension tape, tape bond remover, clarifying shampoo and tape-in pliers.

When removing the tape in hair extensions just need to spray the top of each tape weft, usings a pin tail comb tease apart the tapes, the brush away any excess glue that maybe stuck to the hair. Before reapplying the tape-in be sure that all the hair is washed for the best results use clarifying shampoo to remove any oils or residue that may affect the tape tabs glue. After hair both the natural hair and extensions is dry peal away a tape strip while avoiding touching as much as the glue as possible, stick to the matte side of the hair extensions tape strip. Attach to the clients natural hair then sandwich a second piece of tape-in extensions, squeeze together using tape-in pliers.

SIZE 4CM X 0.8CM (1.6" X 0.32")

Store below 32C.

Test on small area before use, keep out of reach of children, external use only, avoid eye contact.

For use
  • Can be used to apply Viola Hair Extensions Tape-in and Viola Secret Tape-in Hair Extensions.
  • Before fitting always wash hair with Clarifying shampoo
  • Always wait at least 48 hours after application before washing the extensions.
  • Do not apply conditioner to the roots as it can cause slippage.
  • Try not to touch the tape tabs.
  • Do not leave tape tabs in direct sunlight or out in the air rather a sealed packet.
  • Can also apply a low heat to the tapes during fitting.
  • Tapes will last for 4-6 weeks or more this all depends on installation and aftercare.

See other products of the category: Hair Extensions Tape Tabs

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